近來愈趨普及的創效投資(impact investment),藉其引入私人市場的參與,為可持續發展鋪路。作為一種融合商業及社會價值的另類投資方案(alternative investment),創效投資者在考慮財政回報的同時,亦會考慮該項目在社會及環境層面上帶來的正面效益。

文章報導 / Reports

講師介紹 / Speaker

楊曉文 博士
  • 英國Heriot-Watt University 精算博士
  • 美國University of lowa精算科學碩士
  • 國立中央大學財務金融系系主任
  • 研究領域包含退休金管理與投資、金融保險商品創新、財務精算、風險管理、資產配置、ESG責任投資

Dr. Sharon S. Yang is a distinguished professor of department of Finance and the associate dean of the school of management at the National Central University (NCU) in Taiwan. She is also the founder of the Center for Industry Collaboration (CIC) at the school of management at NCU and serves as the CEO. Sharon received her Ph.D. in actuarial mathematics at Heriot-Watt University in U.K. and her master degree in actuarial science at University of Iowa in the U.S. Her research interests cover pension fund management and investment, financial product innovation, actuarial science, risk management, asset allocation, ESG Investing. Her research appears in Journal of Risk and Insurance, Insurance Mathematics and Economics, Austin Bulletin, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance and Quantitative Finance, Journal of Futures Markets.

In addition to academic experience, Sharon also serves as the supervisor of the Pension Fund Association, the director of the Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan, the director of the Taiwan Insurance and Risk Association, the advisor of Taiwan Insurance Guarantee Fund, a reviewer of structure notes issued with insurance products for Taiwan Financial Service Roundtable and a member of the discipline committee for Actuarial Institute of Republic of China. She also involves in many government and industry research projects regarding pension fund management, insurance regulation, longevity risk, ESG investing and alternatives assets.

Huub van der Riet
  • 領導NN投資夥伴創效投資組合經理團隊
  • VBA特許分析師 (荷蘭相當於CFA)
  • 超過20年的產業經驗

Huub has more than 20 years’ experience in the financial industry. He has been with NN Investment Partners (NN IP) since 2001. He is currently the Lead Portfolio Manager for Impact Investing Solutions portfolios within the Specialized Equity team.

Huub previously worked for Aegon Asset Management and ABN AMRO Asset Management in Amsterdam. He graduated from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam in 1995 with a degree in finance, investments and treasury management.

Joep Huntjens
NN投資夥伴 亞洲固定收益主管
  • 領導NN投資夥伴亞洲債券強勢貨幣投資組合經理團隊
  • 註冊商業分析師(RBA)
  • 超過20年的產業經驗

Based in Singapore, JoepHuntjens has been head of the Asian Debt strategy since October 2010. He is also the Lead PM of EM Corporate Debt strategy, a role he assumed in August 2015. In addition he is responsible for Asian credit investments for NN IP's global credit portfolios as well as all pan-Asian credit strategies. In Singapore, he heads the credit analyst team.

Joep started his career at NN IP in 1996 as an Equity Analyst for NN’s proprietary equity portfolios. Since then he has undertaken many roles at NN IP including Portfolio Manager and Senior Equity Analyst for proprietary equity portfolios and private equity fund portfolios. Prior to his relocation to Singapore in 2010, he was a Senior Portfolio Manager for European High Yield Debt. Joep earned his Master’s degree in Business Economics from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam in 1996. He is also RBA registered (Registered Investment Analyst).

活動議程 / Agenda

13:30 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:20


鄭貞茂 / 國家發展委員會副主任委員
娥碧 / NN投資夥伴(新加坡)有限公司執行長
王伯莉 / 野村投信總經理

14:20 - 14:30

「永續金融」,創造投資的多元價值/Topic Introduction

楊曉文教授 Prof. Sharon Yang
Head of NCU Financial Research Development Center

14:30 - 15:00

「創效投資」,從全球變遷看見逆轉績效/Impact Investing

Huub Vander Riet
Lead Portfolio Manager, NN IP Impact Investment Solutions

15:00 - 15:30

「危機轉機」新興市場的綠色債券崛起/Green Bond in Emerging Market

Joep Huntjens
Head of NN IP Asian Fixed Income

15:30 - 16:00

「趨勢與關鍵」,創效投資的新藍海/Panel Discussion

楊曉文教授Prof. Sharon Yang / Head of NCU Financial Research Development Center

Huub Vander Riet / Lead Portfolio Manager, NN IP Impact Investment Solutions
Joep Huntjens / Head of NN IP Asian Fixed Income



立即報名 / SignUp


時間: 2018/10/30(二)14:00~16:00(13:30開放入場)
地點: 台北威斯汀六福皇宮-永樂殿
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  2. 本活動免費入場,因名額有限僅接受金融業相關人員報名。

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